Warning: if you do not agree with the contents of this statement, do not use the Website or any services available through it, as your use of it constitutes acceptance of this disclaimer.
Welcome to the website www.hungarikumhotel.hu (hereinafter referred to as “Website”) operated by the Folk High School Foundation. Please read this disclaimer (hereinafter referred to as “Disclaimer”) carefully before using the Website. By using the Website, you agree to all the terms and conditions contained in the present disclaimer.
Information about the operator of the Website (hereinafter referred to as “Operator”):
▪ Name: Folk High School Foundation
▪ Seat: H-6065 Lakitelek, Szentkirályi út 5.
▪ Representby: Sándor István Lezsák
▪ E-mail address: info@nepfolakitelek.hu
▪ Telephone number: +36 76/549-049
Contents and use of the Website
Through the Website, the Operator provides the User with the opportunity to use the services available on the Website. The data and information stored/presented on the Website are for information purposes only. The User's decision and conduct based on the information on the Website are the sole responsibility of the User. The Operator reserves the right to modify the contents of the Website anytime, to change its availability and to suspend or definitively discontinue the operation of the Website. The Operator may also change the present Disclaimer anytime, of which the User may in any case be informed by means of a notice on the Website.
Responsibility for the contents of the Website
The contents of the Website have been compiled by the Operator with the greatest possible care, but are for information purposes only and are subject to change/may change at the discretion of the Operator. With a view to this, the Operator shall not be liable for the accuracy and completeness, correctness, timeliness or the uninterrupted or error-free operation of the Website. However, unauthorised access and/or modification of the Website may occur, even independently of the Website Operator. Except as otherwise provided by law, the Operator shall not be liable for any damage, other disadvantage or loss whatsoever arising from or in connection with the incorrectness, incompleteness, inaccuracy, ambiguity or lack of timeliness of the information or material contained on the Website, or from any indirect or direct use of the same, or from the inoperability, malfunction, deficiency or failure of the Website. Furthermore, the Operator shall not be liable for the security of the Website and its being free from computer viruses, spyware and other harmful programs. The Operator recommends that users of the Website take the necessary precautions: use virus and spyware protection software with an up-to-date database and install security updates to the operating system. The opinions and comments which may be published on the Website by third parties do not reflect the opinion of the Operator and the Operator expressly disclaims any liability for such opinions and comments. By accessing and using the Website, each User accepts these Terms of Use for the use of the Website and acknowledges that he/she uses the Website at his/her own risk and waives the enforcement of any claim against the Operator, unless the possibility of waiver is expressly excluded by law.
Intellectual property rights relating to the Website
All materials contained in the Website, its entire textual, graphical and other content, the structure of the Website, its source code and any other intellectual property is protected by copyright or other intellectual property rights. The exclusive owner of the copyright and other intellectual property rights is the Operator. Without prior written consent, it is prohibited to copy, reproduce, retransmit to the public, in whole or in part, any part of the Website for purposes other than for information (e.g. for commercial purposes) and/or to distort, mutilate, use, process, sell, in whole or in part, the contents of the Website in any way whatsoever. It is forbidden to modify the website (or any part of it) or incorporate it into any other work, a printed document for the sake of providing a list of examples, or into any blog, own website or a third party website, without prior written consent. Any unauthorised use of the contents of the Website may, in addition to claims under trademark, copyright and civil law, give rise to sanctions under criminal law.
Related websites
Hyperlinks on this Website are provided for convenience only and the inclusion of any link does not imply approval of the Operator of the contents of the website accessible via the hyperlink. The use of the data and information accessed through the hyperlinked website and the website accessed via the link is at the User's own risk. The Operator shall not be liable for the contents of external websites linked from the Website, for the opinions and comments published therein, or for the data and information protection practices of such websites. If the Operator becomes aware that a page or a link it has established violates the rights of third parties or the applicable laws, it will immediately remove the link from the Website.
Embedded technology
The Website may use embedded player technologies. By using embedded technology on the Website, the User also agrees to the terms and conditions of using that embedded technology.
The Operator may unilaterally modify the present Disclaimer anytime. Any modification shall enter into force at the same time as it is published on the Website. The present Disclaimer shall be interpreted and performed in accordance with the rules of Hungarian law. Hungary shall have jurisdiction over all disputes arising out of or in connection with this Website, and the competent Hungarian courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction to settle any disputes arising out of the present Disclaimer. The invalid, ineffective, void or unenforceable parts of the present Disclaimer shall not affect the validity, effectiveness or enforceability of any other of its provisions.
Lakitelek, 23 March 2022