Business travelers
Health tourism

Cookie information

Cookie principals

Cookies are text files that are stored by your browser on the hard drive of your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, TV, etc.). Their content includes the Web pages and advertisements you visit and search. However, cookies do not contain any personal data such as name, address, e-mail address, etc. The cookie is used by the visitor of the site, for example, to obtain access to information on a page.

No special settings are required on your browser to download cookies to your computer. By default, your browser will accept cookies and store them in a list (e.g. "Temporarily downloaded Internet files"), as there is no risk involved. If you do not want the operator to use cookies, you can deactivate the acceptance of cookies in your web browser. For more information on this, please refer to the help of your browser.

Different cookies serve different purposes and if you accept cookies, they will be stored on your device for a certain period of time depending on the cookie, unless you have previously deleted them. Please note that not using or refusing to accept certain cookies may result in limited functionality of our Website.

It is important to emphasise that the cookies we use do not remember any visitor identifier or password.

Please note that when you use this Website, you may also receive 3rd party cookies on your device to help us share content on social networking sites, to provide visitor statistics or to support our marketing activities.

Addthis: allows you to share and like the content of the website and provides statistical analysis of the shares (adthis.com)

On our website, you will also find links or icons to other websites - e.g. Facebook Like button, YouTube video link, Instagram icon button - that direct you to that page. These websites also use cookies, information about which can be found on the relevant pages. Our website may also sometimes contain links to third party websites over which we have no control. Once you leave our site, we are no longer responsible for the content of these third party sites or for the privacy and confidentiality of any information you provide on these sites. You should exercise caution and consult the privacy statement or privacy policy of the website in question.

For Facebook ads we use Custom Audiences provided by Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland. You can find out about the relevant Facebook settings at https://www.facebook.com/privacy/policy/?entry_point=data_policy_redirect&entry=0

If you do not wish to accept certain types of cookies, you can set your browser to prevent the setting of a unique identifier or to warn you when the website is about to send a cookie. Please refer to your internet browser instructions or help screen to learn more about these features and to fine-tune your cookie settings.

To delete cookies

If you wish to delete or stop using cookies from our website, please see the links below, depending on your browser:

Internet Explorer cookie setting.

Setting cookies in Firefox

Setting cookies in Chrome

Cookie setting in Safari


Basic Cookies (cookies)

Basic cookies help make our website easy to use by enabling basic features such as site navigation and access to secure areas of the website. The website cannot function properly without these cookies.



Service provider





Stores visitor data necessary for the operation of the website and records acceptance of the cookie message on the website

24 óra vagy a böngésző bezárása



The "CSRF/XSRF-TOKEN" cookie is used for different forms on the site and is necessary to protect against so-called "Cross-Site Request Forgery". The purpose of using this cookie is to prevent others from submitting forms on behalf of the user. The cookie is deleted from your computer within 2 hours of leaving the site.

The cookie is deleted from your computer within 2 hours of leaving the site.



If the visitor visits our website, the PHPSESSID cookie will be used to keep the workflow alive for a specified period of time until the user closes their browser.

Until the user closes their browser.



Required for the chat function on the website




Stores visitor data necessary for the operation of the website and records acceptance of the cookie message on the website

249 days



Security cookie, in order to protect user data, according to the google.com privacy statement

3 months


Statistical Cookies

By collecting and reporting data in an anonymous form, statistical cookies help the website owner to understand how visitors interact with the website. The cookies are also used to understand how users use the website (e.g. pages viewed, number of pages, navigation, session time, error messages, etc.) in order to improve the website according to the needs of our visitors and to provide a high quality, user-friendly experience.

For performance measurement purposes, our website uses third-party "cookies" during each visit. We use "cookies" to track how many people visit the website and what content they are interested in. All information is stored anonymously and used to anonymously analyse visitor behaviour in order to provide a high quality experience for users.



Service provider




Google Analytics

Captures a unique identifier that is used by the system to generate statistics about the user's visit to the website

2 years


Google Analytics

Google Analytics uses it to control the pace of queries

10 minutes


Google Analytics

Captures a unique identifier that is used by the system to generate statistics about the user's visit to the website

24 hours



We use it to store the digitally signed and encrypted details of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they signed in. We use cookies to prevent a number of attacks, including attempts to steal the content of forms you fill out on our websites. According to the google.com privacy statement [link]

2 years



We use it to store the digitally signed and encrypted details of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they signed in. These two cookies help us to prevent a number of attacks, including attempts to steal the content of forms you fill out on our websites. According to the google.com privacy statement [link]

2 years



We use it to store the digitally signed and encrypted details of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they signed in. These two cookies help us to prevent a number of attacks, including attempts to steal the content of forms you fill out on our websites. According to the google.com privacy statement [link]

730 days


Google Analytics: independent measurement and auditing of our website traffic and other web analytics data is supported by external servers (www.google.com/analytics/).


Marketing Cookies.

We use marketing cookies to track visitors' website activity. The aim is to serve relevant advertisements to individual users and encourage them to take action, which makes our website even more valuable.



Service provider




Google Analytics

Sends data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behaviour. Tracks the user across different devices and marketing channels



Google Ads

Used by Google Ads to re-engage visitors who are likely to become customers based on their behaviour identified across multiple websites



Google DoubleClick

They are used to link your activities on different devices to show you more relevant ads.

Max 26 months


Google TAG Manager

Google Tag Manager uses the Google Analytics script to load a tag.

For cookies installed by a tag manager, it is customary to set a separate cookie expiry date for the 3rd Party cookie

Facebook Pixel Code


Facebook remarketing cookies allow us to display ads related to the theme of our website to visitors of our website with the help of Facebook's advertising system. You can find detailed information here: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

Variable - please read the Facebook Privacy Notice for details



Google cookies, according to the google.com privacy statement

20 years



This cookie collects website statistics and measures conversions according to the google.com privacy statement

30 days


Facebook konverziós pixel


Facebook remarketing cookies allow us to display ads related to the theme of our website to visitors of our website using Facebook's advertising system. You can find detailed information here: https://www.facebook.com/policies/cookies/

Variable - please read the Facebook Privacy Notice for details



This helps us to show you personalised ads on Google, in accordance with google.com's privacy statement

6 months



Google plus like and share, according to the google.com privacy statement

2 years


Google DoubleClick

They are used to link your activities on different devices to show you more relevant ads.

2 years



They are designed to link your activities on different devices to show you more relevant ads. One of the main advertising cookies used on sites outside Google is called "HERE", which is stored by the browser under the domain doubleclick.net.

390 days


Google DoubleClick

They are used to link your activities on different devices to show you more relevant ads.

390 days


Google DoubleClick

They are used to link your activities on different devices to show you more relevant ads.

14 days


Facebook Pixel and Conversion Tracker: This cookie allows us to display personalised offers on the Facebook social networking pages. It allows us to measure our variable marketing activity.

Detailed information about the service and the cookie's validity period is available via the following link: https://www.facebook.com/help/cookies/